For those wanting a thorough screening of female-specific diseases
Special Course
(Midtown Course)
[Without head MRI / MRA/
Upper GI X-ray]
*Upgrade to upper GI endoscopy +¥8,800(Tax included)

Our "Original Comprehensive Health Screening" consisting of a carefully selected set of exams. It includes five types of tumor marker tests, thoracoabdominal and visceral fat CT, bone density test, as well as the standard tests like the general medical checkup and urinalysis. If you wish to have a head checkup done, please check out the Midtown Course [ With the head MRI/MRA].*Upgrade to upper GI endoscopy + 8,800yen(tax included)
- Basic examinations
- Blood tests
- Electro-cardiogram
- Chest X-ray
- Chest CT
- Upper GI X-ray
- Abdominal ultrasound
- Abdominal CT
- Visceral fat CT
- Tumor markers
- Bone mineral density test
- Blood pressure pulse wave
- Chest and abdominal CT
- The 80-slice CT scanner will take images of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidney, and spleen. It also includes the chest CT, a useful tool for early detection of lung cancer (the leading cause of death by cancer *). * 2017 Statistical Data from the National Cancer Center Cancer Information Service

- Five types of tumor markers
- The course includes tumor marker testing for CEA, to detect gastrointestinal cancer (colorectum, rectum, stomach), lung, breast, pancreatic, uterine and cervical cancer; CA19-9, to detect gastrointestinal cancer (pancreas, gallbladder, bile duct); PSA for men, to detect prostate cancer; CA125 for women, to detect ovarian cancer. It also includes Elastase 1 and AFP, coming to a total of five different tumor marker tests to screen for cancer in various organs.

Original health screening course with a meal voucher
The clinic's original health screening courses all come with a meal voucher. You can use it at any of the designated restaurants.
- * Included in the Standard Course,Ladies Course,Premium Midtown Course (without a head MRI/MRA),Premium Midtown Course (with a head MRI/MRA). NOT included in the digestive specialty course, gynecology and breast exam course and/or other specialty courses.
- * Individuals receiving subsidies from his/her Society-Managed Health Insurance or a discount through the welfare service are NOT eligible for these benefits.
- * Due to the restaurant's reservation availability, the meal voucher does not guarantee services on the day of your choosing. (Please confirm the expiration date before the use of each meal voucher.)

- * Included in the Standard Course,Ladies Course,Premium Midtown Course (without a head MRI/MRA),Premium Midtown Course (with a head MRI/MRA). NOT included in the digestive specialty course, gynecology and breast exam course and/or other specialty courses.
- * Individuals receiving subsidies from his/her Society-Managed Health Insurance or a discount through the welfare service are NOT eligible for these benefits.
- * Due to the restaurant's reservation availability, the meal voucher does not guarantee services on the day of your choosing. (Please confirm the expiration date before the use of each meal voucher.)
- Exam duration
- About 3 hours
- Start times
- 8:00-/9:00-/10:00-/14:00-/15:00-
- Explanation of results
- Same-day explanation of blood test results (free)
- Target diseases
- Syphilis (sexually transmitted disease), liver dysfunction (hepatitis B & C), liver cancer, stomach cancer, colorectal cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, bronchial asthma, emphysema, pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, lung cancer, esophageal cancer, duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer, gastritis, gallstone, pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, aortic diseases, metabolic syndrome, lifestyle diseases, cerebral hemorrhage, brain tumor, cerebral infarction, cerebrovascular diseases, arrhythmia, angina, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, colon polyps/colitis, osteoporosis, etc.
- List of examination items
- Basic examinations
- Consultation /interview, body measurement (height / weight / sight / hearing / blood pressure / BMI / abdominal circumference), urine test (sugar / protein / occult blood), body fat percentage, intraocular pressure, large intestine test (2-day fecal occult blood test) )
- Blood tests
- Complete blood count, cardiovascular blood panel, liver panel, lipid panel, metabolic panel, kidney panel, pancreas function test, electrolyte panel, infectious disease panel, serologic test, thyroid panel, tumor markers [CEA, CA19-9, Elastase1, AFP, PSA (for males) CA125 (for females)], others (Ca, P, Mg, Fe)
- Chest
- Direct X-ray of the chest, chest CT
- Abdomen
- Upper GI X-ray, abdominal CT (upper to lower abdomen), abdominal ultrasound (liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, kidney)
- Cardiovascular
- Electro-cardiogram examination, blood pressure pulse wave (PWV/ABI)
- Other
- Funduscopic examination, visceral fat measurement (CT), bone mineral density test DEXA method, respiratory function test
- Precautions and notices
- Upper GI X-ray examination
- Please note that if any of the following apply, you will not be able to proceed with the exam:
・ Under fluid restrictions as part of your treatment (e.g., persons currently undergoing hemodialysis / peritoneal dialysis)
・ Hypersensitive reaction to barium contrast medium
・ Past or current medical history of bowel obstruction, Crohn's disease, or diverticulitis
・ Past medical history of gastrointestinal perforation
・Undergone abdominal surgery within the past 12 months (including endoscopic surgery and cesarean section)surgery and cesarean section)
・ Currently pregnant / possibly pregnant
・ Severe hypertension with a blood pressure of 180 / 110mmHg or more on the day of the appointment
・ Persons over 130kg on the day of the appointment (this is to ensure the safe use of the imaging device)
- Upper GI endoscopy examination
- You can choose oral or nasal. Nasal endoscopy has the advantage that you can talk to your doctor during the examination without closing your mouth to insert the camera through your nose. However, because the oral camera enables observation with clearer images, one with a higher risk of gastric cancer at the age of cancer (40 to 50 years or more) after infection with H. pylori and eradication of H. pylori, or more certain If you wish to have an endoscopy, we recommend an oral endoscope.
*Please note that transnasal endoscopy is not available for those who have silicone in their nose.
*If you would like a sedative, please apply in advance (at the time of reservation). [Please confirm if you wish to use a sedative]
・If you have glaucoma (including suspicion, high intraocular pressure, etc.) or enlarged optic disc depression, please ask your ophthalmologist beforehand to see if you can use it. Please bring the "book" on the day. If you use sedatives, you cannot drive, drink or exercise on the day. You will also need to rest for about an hour after the inspection.
- Chest CT examination
- In some models of implantable cardiac pacemakers, there was a problem with the product causing a partial electrical reset during an X-ray CT scan. If you are applicable, please contact us.
For additional precautions and notices, please review "Examination Details and Precautions."
Key features of the Midtown Course
- Full-body checkup using a complete set of screening tests and wellness management
- Preventing disease is a vital step to staying healthy. The "Midtown Course" provides a full range of screening tests to examine the patient's body in detail, which can lead to the early detection and treatment of diseases. The course also includes the visceral fat CT, a useful tool in diagnosing metabolic syndrome, as well as the bone mineral density test, which tests for osteoporosis. These tests can help you reassess your daily routines and promote a healthier lifestyle.
- Our full support if an illness is found
- In case we find any abnormalities, we offer our full support. Our clinic has an internal medicine department that is open Monday through Friday. We also provide follow-up services, such as secondary testing. If further examination or treatment is needed, we will refer you to a specialist or an affiliate medical institution.

Popular options menu
Lower abdominal MRI27,500yen (tax included)
For persons concerned about prostate or uterine and
/or ovarian diseaseUseful for the diagnosis of prostate cancer in men or uterine/ovarian cancer in women. In addition to the 80-slice CT scan of the upper abdomen, we scan the prostate, for men, and the uterus and ovaries, for women
Breast and gynecology set27,500yen (tax included)
The breast exam (3D mammography & mammary gland ultrasound) and gynecology exam (cervical cytology & transvaginal ultrasound), which are a standard set in the Ladies Course, can be added to the Midtown Course as well.
Allergy test
(VIEW39)15,400yen (tax included)Checks for 39 major causes of
allergic symptomsTests for all 39 allergens at once; both inhaled type and food allergies. It tests for all the major allergens, including house dust, pollen, and seven of the items listed under the food labeling standard.
- How is this different from other comprehensive health screenings?
- The most significant difference is that it includes extensive diagnostic imaging tests such as the chest and abdominal CTs. The package already includes, as a standard, the visceral fat CT, bone mineral density test, and blood pressure pulse wave, tests which are generally only offered as optional exams. We assess the potential risk of disease, especially of those with high morbidity rates, and make it possible for its early detection and treatment.
- How long do the exams take?
- The exams take about 3 hours. In response to user feedback like, “I want to finish quickly,” “the wait-time is stressful,” we have introduced the latest guidance assistance system. We will be providing everyone with a tablet device at the time of check-in, and it will efficiently guide you through your exams by automatically monitoring the traffic at each exam station. Our system is highly popular amongst our users who are on a time crunch.
- Is it possible to add optional examinations?
Of course. We can recommend exams according to your age and health condition. Please feel free to contact us.
Optional Examinations