Optional Examinations

The following optional examinations are available to add to your health screening or medical checkup appointment. We have prepared a wide selection from which you can choose based on age, gender, family medical history, and lifestyle.

* The health screening and medical checkup courses share the same selection of optional examinations.
* Some of the optional examinations may already be included in your course. In such a case, the items not included can be added on individually.
* Depending on the Society-Managed Health Insurance you are with, the optional exams may be covered fully or partially by subsidies. Please contact us for details.
* Please note that some optional examinations require prior reservation.

Tumor markers * Tumor markers, a diagnostic tool used to aid cancer diagnosis, can be combined with other diagnostic tests to provide more detailed and comprehensive results. Each item can be added to your course individually upon request.

Scroll the table

Examination items Price
(tax included)
Description Same day add-on
Comprehensive Tumor Marker Test (Men)
Blood test
26,400 yen [Includes: PSA, p53Ab, SCC, CYFRA, CEA, CA19-9, Pro-GRP, AFP, PIVKA-II, Elastase-1 tests]
A comprehensive set of tumor markers that includes a tumor marker useful in prostate cancer detection.
Comprehensive Tumor Marker Test (Women)
Blood test
26,400 yen [Includes: CA125, p53Ab, SCC, CYFRA, CEA, CA19-9, Pro-GRP, AFP, PIVKA-II, Elastase-1 tests]
A comprehensive set of tumor markers that includes a tumor marker useful in ovarian cancer detection.
Lung Cancer Tumor Marker Test
Blood test
12,650 yen [Includes: p53Ab, SCC, CYFRA, Pro-GRP tests]
A set of tumor markers that is useful in detecting lung cancer but can also screen for esophageal, head, neck, cervical, and skin cancers.
Gastrointestinal Cancer Tumor Marker Test
Blood test
8,800 yen [Includes: p53Ab, CEA, CA19-9 tests]
A set of tumor markers that is useful in detecting gastrointestinal cancers but can also screen for pancreatic, gallbladder, bile duct, lung, breast, and ovarian cancers.
Liver & Gallbladder Cancer Tumor Marker Test
Blood test
8,800 yen [Includes: AFP, PIVKA-II, CA19-9 tests]
A set of tumor markers that is useful in detecting hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer) and gallbladder cancer.
Prostate Cancer Tumor Marker Test (Men)
Blood test
3,300 yen [Includes: PSA test]
A tumor marker that is useful in detecting prostate cancer.
Ovarian Cancer Tumor Marker Test (Women)
Blood test
3,300 yen [Includes: CA125 test]
A tumor marker that is useful in detecting ovarian cancer.

* Some of the items above may already be included in your health screening course. In which case, if you add a set, you will only be charged for items not included in your course.

Brain / Heart / Arteriosclerosis

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Examination items Price
(tax included)
Description Same day add-on
Head MRI/MRA 3.0 Tesla
[N/A] During pregnancy
38,500 yen
(20 minutes)
●Screening for silent stroke (asymptomatic), brain tumor, aneurysm, etc.
Cross-sectional images of the head and blood vessels are generated as you enter a tube-like scanner that contains powerful magnets.
  • Inform the clinic in advance if you are uncomfortable with enclosed spaces.
  • Metal objects are prohibited in the MRI room.
11,000 yen
(15 minutes)
●Screening for valvular heart disease, heart attacks, etc.
Heart size and movement, the condition of the heart muscles and valves, and blood flow are assessed using ultrasound waves.
Carotid ultrasound
7,700 yen
(15 minutes)
●Screens for arteriosclerosis, stroke,etc.
The carotid arteries in the neck are assessed for the degree of arteriosclerosis and plaque buildup using ultrasound waves.
Blood test
6,600 yen ●Screens for arteriosclerosis
Measures the amount of homocysteine (amino acid), a risk factor for arteriosclerosis, in the blood.
Blood test
3,300 yen ●Screens for arteriosclerosis and heart failure
A biomarker used to indicate arteriosclerosis and heart failure.
Pulse wave Analysis
3,300 yen
(10-15 minutes)
●Screens for arteriosclerosis, etc.
[Includes: PWV, ABI tests]
Assesses for arteriosclerosis and blockage based on the blood pressure ratio between the wrists and ankles.
Blood test
15,400 yen ● Screening for arteriosclerosis, stroke, and heart attack
Evaluates the future risk of developing stroke or heart attack by measuring oxidized LDL cholesterol, the causative agent of arteriosclerosis.

>Click here for inspection precautions [PDF:169KB]

Fatty Acid Profile of 4 Lipid Fractions & EPA/AA Ratio
Blood test
6,600 yen ● Screening for arteriosclerosis, stroke, and heart attack
Fatty acid (DHLA ・ AA ・ EPA ・ DHA) EPA/AA Ratio]
Assesses cardiovascular disease risk by measuring the ratio of fatty acids in the blood.

Brain Health Screening
[N/A] During pregnancy
44,000 yen
(40 minutes)
[Includes: head MRI/MRA, carotid ultrasound, homocysteine test]
Save 8,800 yen with this discounted screening set.
Heart Health Screening
22,000 yen
(50 minutes)
[Includes: echocardiogram, carotid ultrasound, homocysteine test, pulse wave analysis]
Save 6,600 yen with this discounted screening set.
Brain & Heart Health Comprehensive Screening
[N/A] During pregnancy
55,000 yen
(70 minutes)
[Includes: head MRI/MRA, echocardiogram, carotid ultrasound, homocysteine test, pulse wave analysis]
Save 12,100 yen with this discounted screening set.
Gastrointestinal tract

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Examination items Price
(tax included)
Description Same day add-on
Upper GI X-ray
(Barium swallow)
Dietary restrictions
[N/A] During pregnancy
14,300 yen
(15 minutes)
●Screening for esophageal, gastric, and duodenal cancers, ulcers and polyps
A barium contrast agent is ingested, and the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum are evaluated.
  • Health screening courses only
  • By appointment only
Upper GI Endoscopy
Dietary restrictions
[N/A] During pregnancy
8,800 yen
(20 minutes)
●Screening for esophageal, gastric, and duodenal cancers, ulcers and polyps
The Upper GI Endoscopy (EGD) will replace the Upper GI X-ray. You may choose between an oral or a nasal endoscope. Due to limited availability, we recommend making reservations early. *For those scheduled for courses other than the comprehensive health screening course, the endoscopy can be scheduled on a separate day for an additional charge of 27,500 yen. Please contact us for more details.
EGD Option Sedation
Glaucoma ×
[N/A] During pregnancy
[N/A] During breastfeeding
7,700 yen The sedation, administered intravenously, allows you to undergo the procedure in a semi-conscious, sleep-like state. If sedation is used, driving is strictly prohibited on the day of your appointment. Following the procedure, there is a one-hour recovery period during which you will be asked to rest until the sedation wears off.
  • Only available for oral endoscopy procedures. The effectiveness of the sedation can vary across individuals.
  • Due to limited availability, we recommend making reservations early. Appointments can be booked out for a couple of months.
  • In the interest of safety, sedation is not available for persons aged 75 and older.
Gastric Cancer Risk
(ABC Classification)
Blood test
5,500 yen ●Screening for esophageal, gastric, and duodenal cancers, ulcers and polyps
This test classifies gastric cancer risk into four groups (A, B, C, D) based on the presence of H. pylori infection and the degree of gastric mucosal atrophy.
  • This evaluation is for the risk of gastric cancer from the present to the future. It is not for the detection of gastric cancer. A detailed examination using an imaging modality is necessary to detect gastric cancer.
  • The following persons are not eligible for this examination:
  • Those undergoing treatment for gastric diseases
  • Those who have had a gastrectomy
  • Those who have undergone H. pylori eradication therapy
  • Individuals with kidney failure
  • Those taking gastric acid suppressants
Blood test
3,300 yen ●Screens for atrophic gastritis, etc.
Used to evaluate the gastric mucosa for inflammation and atrophy.
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) Antibody
Blood test
2,200 yen ●Screens for gastric cancer, ulcers, etc.
Checks for the presence of H. pylori antibodies in the blood. H.pylori is a type of bacteria that infects the gastric mucosa and can cause inflammation in the stomach. We strongly recommend this test to those who have never been tested before.
Comprehensive H. pylori Screening
  • A specific collection kit is provided for the stool antigen test
Blood test
3,850 yen [Includes: H. pylori antibody, stool antigen tests]
Sometimes, a serum antibody test may not be sufficient for detecting an H. pylori infection. A more accurate assessment can be conducted with both the serum and stool tests.

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Examination items Price
(tax included)
Description Same day add-on
Abdominal & Pelvic MRI
(3.0 Tesla)
Dietary restrictions
[N/A] During pregnancy
27,500 yen
(20 minutes)
For men experiencing difficulty urinating or noticing urinary retention, the scan can be used to examine the prostate. For women, the uterus and ovaries can be screened without the risk of radiation exposure.
Abdominal Ultrasound
Dietary restrictions
6,600 yen
(15 minutes)
Ultrasound waves are used to examine the shape and size of the abdominal organs (liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, and spleen) to screen for benign and malignant tumors, gall stones, kidney stones and other irregularities.
Abdominal CT
Dietary restrictions
[N/A] During pregnancy
19,800 yen
(5-10 minutes)
A low-dose 80-slice CT scan generates cross-sectional images of the abdomen, mainly screening the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, and spleen.
Abdominal & Pelvic CT
Dietary restrictions
[N/A] During pregnancy
23,100 yen
(5-10 minutes)
In addition to the upper abdominal region, this test will screen the lower abdomen (small intestine, large intestine, bladder), prostate for men, and uterus and ovaries for women. The scan is recommended for individuals with a family history of cancer and those who consume alcohol or eat out frequently.
Visceral Fat CT
[N/A] During pregnancy
8,800 yen
(5-10 minutes)
The visceral and subcutaneous fat surface area is measured using the low-dose 80-slice CT scan. The scan is recommended for individuals concerned about waist size and those with any abnormalities in cholesterol, blood sugar, or blood pressure.
Pancreatic Elastase-1
Blood test
3,300 yen A tumor marker that is useful in detecting pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer.

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Examination items Price
(tax included)
Description Same day add-on
Fecal occult blood test (two-day method)
  • A stool collection kit is provided
[N/A] During menstruation
2,200 yen ●Screens for colon cancer, polyps, etc.
Two separate stool samples collected before the appointment will be tested for blood.
For women

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Examination items Price
(tax included)
Description Same day add-on
Breast Ultrasound
[OK] During pregnancy
[OK] During breastfeeding
6,050 yen
(15 minutes)
●Screens for breast cancer
The breast tissue is evaluated using ultrasound waves for the presence, condition, and size of any lumps.
  • Available for women of all ages, especially those in their 20s and 30s.
[N/A] During pregnancy
[N/A] During breastfeeding
8,250 yen
(15 minutes)
●Screens for breast cancer
The breasts are compressed between plastic plates and X-rayed from top to bottom and side to side to screen for lumps (tumors), architectural distortions, and calcifications. Experiences can vary across individuals, but the process can involve some discomfort.
  • Recommended for women aged 40 and above. Breast ultrasound is recommended over mammography for women in their 20s and 30s.
3D Mammogram
[N/A] During pregnancy
[N/A] During breastfeeding
13,750 yen
(15-20 minutes)
●Screens for breast cancer
Unlike the conventional 2D mammogram, which yields planar images, the multidirectional 3D mammogram generates high-resolution images, making detecting abnormalities easier even in dense breast tissues where detection was previously difficult.
  • If your course already includes a 2D mammogram, you may upgrade to a 3D mammogram for an additional fee of 5,500 yen.
Breast Cancer Screening
[N/A] During pregnancy
[N/A] During breastfeeding
13,200 yen [Includes: mammogram, breast ultrasound]
Save 1,100 yen with this discounted screening set.
  • Recommended for women aged 40 and above.
Pap Smear
[N/A] During pregnancy
[OK] During menstruation
6,050 yen
(10 minutes)
●Screens for cervical cancer
Annual screening is recommended for all women aged 20 and above. This test can detect cervical cancer at a precancerous stage, leading to early detection and treatment.
  • Concurrent HPV testing is recommended to enhance accuracy.
Transvaginal Ultrasound
[N/A] During pregnancy
[OK] During menstruation
6,050 yen
(10 minutes)
●Screens for uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cancer, ovarian cysts, etc.
A common gynecological test used to evaluate the uterus and ovaries aimed at identifying abnormalities such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and suspected uterine cancer.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Test
  • Must be scheduled together with the Pap Smear
[N/A] During pregnancy
[OK] During menstruation
5,500 yen
(10 minutes)
●Screens for cervical cancer
Screens for high-risk HPV strains associated with cervical cancer. Combining HPV testing with the Pap smear enhances the detection rate of cervical cancer increases, ensuring the identification of precancerous lesions without anything being overlooked.
  • Samples are collected simultaneously during the Pap smear.
  • Reference: Cuzickj, et al. Lancet (2003) 362:1871-1876
Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Screening
  • Must be scheduled together with the Pap Smear.
[N/A] During pregnancy
[OK] During menstruation
19,800 yen [Includes: HPV, chlamydia, gonorrhea (cytopathology), HIV antibody, syphilis (TPHA, RPR), HBsAg/anti-Hbs, anti-HCV tests]
Infections may not always present noticeable symptoms. Screening is recommended for early detection and treatment.
Basic Gynecologic Cancer Screening
  • Must be scheduled together with the Pap Smear
[N/A] During pregnancy
[OK] During menstruation
11,000 yen
(10 minutes)
[Includes: transvaginal ultrasound, HPV test]
Save 550 yen with this discounted screening set.
Comprehensive Gynecologic Cancer Screening
[N/A] During pregnancy
[OK] During menstruation
16,500 yen [Includes: Pap smear, transvaginal ultrasound, HPV test]
Save 1,100 yen with this discounted screening set.
Breast Cancer & Gynecologic Cancer Screening
[N/A] During pregnancy
[N/A] During Breast Feeding
[OK] During menstruation
27,500 yen
(40 minutes)
[Includes: 3D mammogram, breast ultrasound, Pap smear, transvaginal ultrasound]
Save 4,400 yen off women’s screening options by choosing this set.
Ovarian Reserve Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) test
Blood test
7,700 yen You can check your ovarian reserve or how many eggs remain in the ovaries, which can help with family planning.

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Examination items Price
(tax included)
Description Same day add-on
Thyroid Function Test
Blood test
6,600 yen ●Screening for Graves' and Hashimoto's disease, etc.
[Includes: TSH, fT3, fT4 tests]
Thyroid function is evaluated by measuring the thyroid hormone levels. Thyroid disorders can lead to health issues such as depression, edema, and menstrual disorders. Periodic screening is recommended even if there are no noticeable symptoms, especially for women.
Thryoid Function & Autoantibody Test
Blood test
15,400 yen ●Screening for Graves' and Hashimoto's disease, etc.
[Includes: TSH, fT3, fT4, TgAb, TPOAb, TRAb tests]
A screening set that combines the Thyroid Function Test and autoantibody tests associated with Graves' and Hashimoto's disease. The set can provide a thorough analysis that also checks for latent thyroid diseases.
Thyroid Ultrasound
7,700 yen
(10 minutes)
●Screening for Graves' and Hashimoto's disease, thyroid cancer, etc.
The size and condition of the thyroid gland in the neck are evaluated using ultrasound waves to screen for inflammation and tumors.
Comprehensive Thyroid Screening
22,000 yen ●Screening for Graves' and Hashimoto's disease, thyroid cancer, etc.
[Includes: TSH, fT3, fT4, TgAb, TPOAb, TRAb tests]
A combined set of the Thyroid Function & Autoantibody Test and the Thyroid Ultrasound for a more comprehensive assessment. The set utilizes blood tests and an ultrasound for a thorough screening.

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Examination items Price
(tax included)
Description Same day add-on
Chest CT
[N/A] During pregnancy
19,800 yen
(5-10 minutes)
●Screens for early-stage lung cancer
Cross-sectional images of the lung and mediastinum are generated using a low-dose 80-slice CT scanner. The scan is useful for detecting small, early-stage lung cancers and inflammations that may not be visible on chest X-rays.
Lung Cancer Screening
  • A specific collection kit is provided for the sputum cytology test
[N/A] During pregnancy
28,050 yen
(5-10 minutes)
[Includes: chest CT, SCC, CYFRA, Pro-GRP, sputum cytology tests]
Recommended for smokers and individuals with a persistent wet cough. For the sputum cytology test, you will be asked to collect sputum samples for the three days before your appointment. Save 4,400 yen with this discounted screening set.

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Examination items Price
(tax included)
Description Same day add-on
Bone Mineral Density Test (DEXA scan)
[N/A] During breastfeeding
3,300 yen
(5 minutes)
●Screens for osteoporosis
Measures bone density using X-rays. Effective in diagnosing osteoporosis.
Bone Health Screening
*Results for the DEXA Scan will be provided separately via post mail
[N/A] During pregnancy
9,900 yen [Includes: DEXA scan, total P1NP, TRACP-5b, vitamin D tests]
This comprehensive screening evaluates osteoporosis risk using a combination of the DEXA Scan and bone metabolism tests.
Vitamin D test
Blood test
3,300 yen Vitamin D deficiency is said to be related to the development of cancer and lifestyle-related diseases as well as osteoporosis.
  • A specific urine collection kit will be provided on the day of the appointment
Urine test
4,950 yen A compound derived from soy isoflavones, equol mimics the function of estrogen. Equol has shown promise in treating menopausal symptoms and premenstrual syndrome in women and conditions such as prostate enlargement and hair loss in men. However, recent studies have shown that only about one in three Japanese benefit from equol even when consuming soy products. Use the results from this test to improve your dietary choices and implement measures to enhance your overall health and well-being.

*To maintain the accuracy of the test results, please refrain from taking supplements containing Equol for 3 days prior to your visit.
MMRV Immunity Screening
(Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella)
Blood test
14,850 yen ●Screening for rubella, measles, mumps, varicella (chicken pox) antibodies
In recent years, outbreaks of communicable diseases among unvaccinated young adults have become a social phenomenon that has disrupted corporate activity. Pregnant mothers and babies are also at risk for serious complications if infected during pregnancy, so it is strongly advised to determine vaccination status beforehand. Each antibody test can be added individually upon request.
Testosterone (Male Hormone Test)
Blood test
3,300 yen Measures testosterone levels, which impact cognitive function, mood, decreased muscle mass, and sexual function in men.
  • Testing is available only until 11 AM.
Allergy Test
Blood test
15,400 yen Screening for the 39 major allergens that are listed below.
●Airborne allergens: Dust (dust mites, house dust), animals (cat and dog dander), insects (cockroach, moth), trees (Japanese cedar, cypress, alder, and white birch), grasses (orchard grass, timothy grass, ragweed, wormwood), airborne fungi (Alternaria, Aspergillus mold), other (Candida, Malassezia, latex)
●Food allergens: Egg (egg white, ovomucoid protein), milk, wheat, legumes, grains, seeds (soy, buckwheat, peanut, rice, sesame), shellfish (shrimp, crab), fruits (kiwi, apple, banana), fish and meats (chicken, beef, pork, tuna, salmon, mackerel)
Rheumatoid Arthritis Test
Blood test
7,700 yen [Includes: rheumatoid factor (RF), anti-CCP, CRP tests]
Check for rheumatoid arthritis.
Ferritin Test (Iron Deficiency Anemia)
Blood test
3,300 yen Ferritin, a protein that stores iron in the body, is measured to screen for iron deficiency anemia.
Small Dense LDL Cholesterol
Blood test
5,500 yen Measures the small dense LDL cholesterol in the blood, a type of LDL cholesterol that is an important risk factor for arteriosclerosis.
HIV Screening
  • To ensure privacy, the results of this test will be provided in a separate document from the health report
Blood test
3,300 yen [Includes: HIV antibody test]
Checks for HIV antibodies in the blood to detect an infection.
Communicable Disease Screening
  • To ensure privacy, the results of the HIV test will be provided in a separate document from the health report
Blood test
9,900 yen [Includes: HIV antibody, syphilis (TPHA, RPR), HBsAb, HBsAg, HCVAb]
A comprehensive set that screens for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C infections. Each test can be added individually upon request.
Salt Intake
Urine test
2,200 yen Sodium and creatine levels in the urine are measured, and salt intake is calculated based on height, weight, and age.
Blood Typing
Blood test
1,100 yen Blood type is determined using the ABO/Rh blood group system.
Blood test
3,850 yen Measures your zinc intake, which affects metabolism, reproductive health, immune system, and other body functions.
Medical Images (CD-ROM)
1,100 yen Medical imaging data from the examinations conducted on the day of your appointment.